Friday, June 20, 2008

Like a descendant from the sky,
you appeared,
my angel, my shooting star.
Steps by steps,
as u edged closer,
the sight of you,
took my breath away.
Such a look,
I'd die a thousand times,
just to have another glimpse of it.
Then u left,
without a chance,
for me to bid farewell.
A fortnight,
a fortnight before the next sighting,
a fortnight, which crafts the 3 words deeper in my heart,
a fornight, i can't imagine how long it actually means to me.


Lun said...

cipap, your shooting star you recycle how many times wei.

Chung Hwa said...

cipap, how many fortnights u wanna say?

david santos said...

justice for nurin jazlin!

Jauze said...

i hv jemngking merah comic series until book 6.. please go to download site at