Friday, March 21, 2008

Changes in life

Life, is a gift from god. It started off from the very moment we crawled out from our maternal mother's womb, till the day we breathe out our last breath, which is death. It can be represented as a sheet of blank white paper, and when an event takes place in our life, a colour is added on the paper. Never can it be removed from the white paper again. And as time goes by, with more and more events take place in our life, more colours are added on the paper. What do we have then? The answer, a sheet of paper full of colours. Life can be really colourful in someone's life, yet it can be really ugly in others'. The transition from a white sheet of paper into a colourful paper is what we called changes in life.

Everything in this world change. It never stop changing. Now you are you, but a second later you will not be the you a second ago, as the element of life has changed you. We changed, we absorb the outcomes of the events, we learned from it and we adapt to improve ourself in this competitive world. Experience makes us a better person, or vice versa.

Changes in life are indeed good, if it makes u a better person. If not, try taking some of your precious time, reflect on yourself back, think hard, what makes you the person you are today. Work from there, amend yourself, and
There you go!
A better you in your own life!

P.S/ Kong if you are reading this, ALL YOUR PENANG SEATS ARE BELONGS TO DAP!

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